Sankata Hara Ganesha Stotram

Sankata Nasana Ganapati Stotra or Sankata Nasana Ganesha Stotram is a prayer to Lord Ganesha which would destroy all sorrows. Sankada Nasana Ganesha Stotra is taken from the Narada Purana.

As the name indicates, the SANKATA HARA GANESHA STOTRAM is a very powerful slokam. This sloka is chanted daily for three times (at least once) to get rid of all the SANKATAs ( problems ). Hara means - killing. All the problems get destroyed by chanting this stotra of Lord Ganesha. Number is 3 very dear to Lord Ganesha. Hence, it is desirable to chant this thrice if possible. Praying this Stotram will help to get knowledge, wealth, get salvation and all wishes fulfilled.
SANKATA HARA GANESHA STOTRAM - Sankashtnashana sthothra

Om Pranamya Sirasa devam Gauri Puthram Vinayakam
Bhaktavasam Smarennithyam Ayuh Kamartha Siddaye ! (1) 
Prathamam Vakrathundam cha Ekadantham Dvithiyakam
Thrithiyam Krishna Pingaaksham Gajavakthram Chathurthakam (2)

Lambodaram Panchamam cha Shashtam Vikatameva cha
Saptamam Vighna Rajam cha Dhoomravarnam thathashtakam (3)

Navamam Phala Chandram cha Dasamam thu Vinayakam
Ekadasam Ganapathim Dwadasam thu Gajananam !! (4)

Dwadasaithani Namaani Thri Sandhyam Yah Pathennarah
Na cha Vighna Bhayam thasya Sarva Siddhi karim Prabho! (5)

Vidyarthi Labhate Vidyam Dhanarthi Labhate Dhanam
Puthrarthi Labhate Putraam Mokshaarthi Labhate Gatim (6)

Japeth Ganapthi Stotram Shadbhirmaasai Phalam Labheth,
Samvatsarena Siddhim cha Labhate Naathra Samsayaha ! (7)

Ashtabhyo Brahmanebhyash cha Likhitwa yah Samarpayeth
Thasya Vidya bhavetsarva Ganeshasya Prasadathaha !! (8)

Ithi Sri Narada Purane Sankashta Nashana Ganapathi Sthothram Sampoornam.